Pixelline has emerged as one of the largest animation production studios in Malaysia. Armed with years of experience in producing top-notch 3D animation and innovative game arts, we aspire to be most trustworthy outsource production team for film companies and game publishers around the world.

With a strong workforce consists of passionate animators, producers and R&D technicians who enrich our products in their unique ways, Pixelline is acknowledged to be the the animation studio with greatest potential in the country by our peers. Since our humble beginnings in 2013, we have gained unrivalled capacity in art creation and integration over the years, made possible by a strong management and an eagerness to outdo ourselves always.

We in Pixelline are determined to assist our partners in expanding their productivity goals within their budget. By producing excellent results across various platforms and channels, as it is trending in the world of digital entertainment today, the partners will enjoy a greater increase in their productivity without straining their finances.



Business Development Manager


Studio Manager


Commercial Director


Animation Director

Jia Ee

Lead Animator

Rui Cong

Modelling Lead


Lighting and
Compositing Lead


Visual Effects Lead

Zhi Hao

Concept Artist


Technical Director